
by EventMploy



POST A JOBWhen you subscribe post as many jobs as you like. Once posted the search function will automatically give you a list of event freelancers that fit your requirements. Check their CV and reviews then send an offer to the right person. If they haven’t accepted in 24 hours you can search again. Once they accept you contract them directly, no need to pay any fees to a middle-man.FREELANCERS – GET JOB OFFERSWhen you subscribe add your profile, skills, experience and any certifications. When your profile matches the event organiser’s job posting you will be highlighted to the event organiser. Watch job offers comestraight to your notifications without any effort from you! Use the chat to ask any questions, accept the job and start working! Your accepted jobs are added to your calendar, keeping all your work in the one place. RATED AND REVIEWED FREELANCERS AND ORGANISERSWhen a job is completed by freelancer and organiser can review the quality of the working relationship. Use the reviews and ratings to make informed decisions about who you work with!